Sunday, March 25, 2007

Lloyd Bridges for President!!!!

There's been a lot of talk these days about who should run for the "prestige" of being the President. Personally I think the most qualified person is Lloyd Bridges. He has a great last name, he's an actor, and he is sooooo dreamy. I think Madonna gave her endorsement for him (which, as we all know, is what makes or breaks a candidate!) and she is so on the ball. Like that one time when she discovered her latent British accent and impressed everyone with her command of such knowledge. Or how about that time she starred in all of those great movies that were blockbusters and critically acclaimed. Such timeless classics as Swept Away, Eva, and Stupid Old Bitch Who Can't Act Stars in Some Shitty Remake of a Shitty Movie because Her Husband is Fucking Her Sub-Par Vagina and Can't Stand Up for Himself.

So remember informed voter, vote for Lloyd Bridges.


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