Tuesday, April 17, 2007

All the countries bitching about "lax" gun control in America can....

and you bunch of

Honestly, we don't give a flying hunk of shit what half the world (which we helped save in WWII with....GUNS!!!) has to say about American Gun laws. Personally there is only one law: Nature's Law! It is portrayed in the Bill of Rights with these awesome words:
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. "
All you fucktard smelly, backwards, inferior countries who keep bitching about us having guns. Kiss my brown ass! Just because you people are virtual slaves to your government, doesn't mean we have to be. Sorry we saved your asses from the Nazis (with whom you ironically agree with on gun control) but now I think we should stay out of the whole global scene. You guys can go around shoving your fists up each others' asses, we will do something important. Like eat beef jerky and be pirates!

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